Friday, August 05, 2011

Weekly 3 in 30 Challenge Check up

3in30 Challenge

1.  Homemaking - I am doing 31 Days to Clean.   On Day 5 and I am doing the new Martha Challenges which I have been doing pretty well with.    My kitchen has been clean and I actually got that floor mopped finally.    I haven't done a lot of organizing with in areas but I will get there.    I need to get to the Mary challenges more though.

2.  Freezer Meals - well I haven't even started with the August food.    I have some left over meats from last month so trying to get organized but those have really help out.

3.  Getting up at 6 a.m. has been tough.    Not sure what else I can do.   I got up earlier several times but have to figure out how not to snooze but it is such a norm for me, sometimes I don't even wake up until I have done it several times.    I just snooze it in my sleep.  

So all in all, I am doing okay.   Struggling to get some of those done.    Any ideas would be appreciated.    We start our supplemental homeschool classes next week so that will affect us a lot.   I am praying we can smoothly move in to the schedule without too much pain.    the boys have a hard time getting up earlier so it should be an interesting week.


Nicolette said...

Thanks for stopping by and offering support for my monthly goals. I need to get up earlier as well but as you saw in my goals I decided to work on going to bed earlier first. I totally understand regarding hitting the snooze buttons multiple times. That's me several times a week but so far the earlier bedtimes have helped but it's definitely baby steps.

Debbie T said...

Good goals! I think I'll be encouraged by the others who are starting meal planning / freezer meals this month - I've never been one to plan that way - so I'm excited to see how others manage to do it well. =) Getting up early hasn't been the problem for me this week - it's keeping my kids in bed when I'm up early. Will be thinking of you when I get up early!!! You can do it!

Unknown said...

Hi! One of my earlier goals was to get up earlier - and I still struggle with it. Joining the HelloMornings group has really helped get me up and out of bed. So has the Bible in 90 Days :)

Great goals - I'll be back to see your progress :)

SparingChange said...

You are doing great. With the waking up at 6AM - what time do you go to bed? I find that when I'm in bed early (9:30), I have a much easier time getting up at 5:30 AM than if I wait until 10 to go to bed. Then again, I'm a morning person.

I see that you are part of the Bible in 90 Days Challenge as well! I am too! I'm struggling with it this week, but luckily, I am hubby-less this weekend (he works 12 hour shifts both days). So, I'm trying to get caught up.

I am looking forward to following your blog!

Rebecca said...

Keep pushing...esp on getting up early. I made it a habit...and now...can't sleep in (argh!) Looks like you're off ot a great start!